The climate crisis

The Climate Crisis currently affecting the planet is one of the most pressing existential threats that humankind has ever faced. Carbon emissions caused by years of post industrial human activity is causing Earth's temperature to rise, and we are already seeing the effects of this through an increase in extreme weather conditions, flooding and wildfires, as well as irreversable damage to the polar ice caps.

The current scientific consensus estimates that we will begin to see the worst effects of climate change once the Earth's temperature reaches between 1.5°C and 2°C above pre-industrial levels - effects such as famine, drought and extinction. Alarmingly, these are impacts that will be felt worst in the poorest countries the world - those who have contributed the least in terms of carbon emissions. The science also tells us that once Earth reaches this temperature, some of the effects may be irreversable.

Efforts are being made globally to reduce carbon emissions. Every country in the world has signed up to the Paris Agreement, which is a pledge to stay below the 1.5° figure. Whilst industry appears to finally be waking up to this reality, the change is not happening quickly enough and currently we are on track to reach 1.5° this century, with earliest estimates being as soon as 2030. The only chance we have of preventing this is for all nations to work together and make drastic changes to their environmental policies, industries and to encourage their populations to lead greener lifestyles.

This book makes no further attempts to convince you on the urgency of this matter.